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Tips for Fixing the House After a Severe Storm

Close-up of the beams an unfinished roof with the roofer working in the background

It’s been a few weeks since a severe storm hit your area, and your house is still in shambles. Here are some tips to get it back in order. You’ve been putting off repairing it because you don’t know where to start. Here are some tips to help make the process a little less daunting.

Assess the Damage

After a severe storm, it is crucial to assess the damage to your house. This will help you determine what needs to be repaired or replaced. If you don’t assess the damage, you may not realize that there is a problem until it’s too late.

Some of the things you will want to check for include:

  • Roof damage
  • Gutter damage
  • Siding damage
  • Window damage
  • Chimney damage
  • Foundation damage

If any windows got broken during the storm, you should have them fixed as soon as possible. You should look for a company offering residential glass repair services. Fixing the window allows you to avoid additional issues in the future.

Document the Damage

It is essential to document the damage caused by a severe storm to ensure that you can receive the appropriate insurance claim. Take pictures and videos of the damage, and make a list of everything affected. This will help make the process smoother and ensure that you are compensated for all the damages.

In addition to taking pictures and videos, it is also important to take measurements. This will help show the true extent of the damage and help get an accurate insurance estimate. Measure the size of any holes in the walls or roof and the length and width of any damaged portions of the house.

If possible, it is also helpful to get before and after photos of the damage. You can do this by taking pictures of the house before the storm hits and after the storm has passed. This will help show the full extent of the damage and make it easier to get an insurance claim.

Secure the Property

It is essential to secure your property after a severe storm. This means making sure all the doors and windows are locked and repairing any damaged areas as quickly as possible. You may also want to consider boarding up any broken windows until they can be fixed.

This is important to protect your property from further damage and protect yourself and your family from potential thieves or vandals.

Clean Up

It is important to clean up after a severe storm to prevent further damage and safety hazards. Debris can cause injuries and trip-and-falls and lead to mold and pest infestations if not cleaned up quickly. Flood water can also contain harmful contaminants, so it’s important to take precautions when cleaning up, such as wearing gloves, masks, and eye protection.

Multiple lightning strikes on a city as seen from afar.

Contact Your Insurance Company

The first thing you should do is contact your insurance company if your home has been significantly damaged by a severe storm. They will likely send out an adjuster to assess the damage and determine the necessary repairs. If you don’t contact your insurance company right away, you may not be eligible for coverage.

You should use the photos or videos you took of the damage and make a list of all the damaged or destroyed items. This will help the insurance adjuster determine the extent of the damage and what needs to be replaced.

Repair Water Damage

If your home has sustained water damage from a severe storm, it’s important to act quickly to begin repairs. Water damage can lead to mold and other serious problems, so it’s essential to take care of it as soon as possible. One of the first things you’ll need is to remove any standing water from your home. Once the water is gone, you can begin drying out your home. This may involve opening windows and doors to allow air circulation, using fans to circulate air, and using a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air. You’ll also need to clean and disinfect any areas that have been affected by water damage. Once your home is dry, you can begin repairs.

Repair Wind Damage

If your home has sustained wind damage, it’s important to inspect the damage carefully. If you see any loose or damaged shingles, they should be replaced as soon as possible. Loose or missing shingles can allow water to enter your home, causing further damage. You should also check for any damaged gutters or downspouts and repair or replace them. If your home has sustained significant wind damage, you may need to have the roof inspected by a professional.

When a severe storm hits, it can cause significant damage to your home. It’s essential to take steps to secure the property, clean up, and contact your insurance company as soon as possible. If your home has sustained water or wind damage, it’s important to begin repairs as quickly as possible. By following these tips, you can help minimize the damage and get your home back to normal as quickly as possible.

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